Our Clients

  • Compton Unified School District

    CPR Angeles is honored to have trained a large number of the Compton Unified School District Campus Aides.

  • Los Angeles Community College District

    CPR Angeles is proud to have served trained students of: Los Angeles City College Child Development Program
    & Los Angeles Southwest College HireLAX Apprenticeship Readiness Program.

  • Los Angeles Unified School District, Division of Adult Education

    CPR Angeles is proud to have trained students of North Valley Occupational Center’s Medical Assistant Program Abram Friedman Occupational Center’s Child Development Program East Los Angeles Occupational Center’s MC3 Program.

  • TLM Petrol Fabor Force

    CPR Angeles is proud to have trained the fine skilled laborers delivering the highest quality of construction through TLM!

  • United Workers of Roofers, Waterproofers & Allied WorkersNew List Item

    CPR Angeles is proud to have trained, the skilled laborers making up some of the ranks at the City of Pomona United Workers of Roofers, Waterproofers and Allied Workers.